Since its founding, Planho has maintained high quality standards to satisfy the needs of our customers. This effort was rewarded in February 2005, when we were certified according to the ISO 9001 quality standard. This has allowed us to grow and maintain the quality of our services, always seeking customer satisfaction and the continuous improvement of our processes.

Our concern for the environment has driven our certification in the ISO 14001 standard, carried out in 2010, guaranteeing that our activity does not have a negative impact on the environment.

Some of the main actions are as follow:
The general objective of the company’s quality and environmental policy is to provide competitive services that fully satisfy the needs of all interested parties (customers, suppliers, users, etc.) while controlling the environmental aspects associated with the activity that may have a negative impact on the environment.

At Planho we are aware of the complexity of hospital buildings, as well as the need to maximise functional efficiency and optimise investment and operating costs. We approach projects with a comprehensive approach, which is even more evident in the case of refurbishments, an aspect in which we consider ourselves specialists.

Planho is committed to the continuous improvement of its quality and environmental management system, including the prevention of pollution and compliance with the legal requirements related to the development of its work as well as its significant environmental aspects. It also undertakes to comply with other requirements that the organisation subscribes to related to its environmental and quality aspects, especially when these are requested by clients.

Planho considers the involvement of all our employees in the organisation of the company to be essential, bringing ideas and suggestions that may determine the goals to be achieved in order to improve the quality and environmental system.

Planho is committed to adapting its human and technical resources to the needs of the implementation of the quality policy at all times, adopting a commitment to continuous improvement.